Lenses First: Selecting the Perfect Eyeglasses

Curating the perfect pair of eyeglasses for your needs and personal look isn’t as complex as some may think. While there are many resources out there that try to say which glasses work best for certain people, the best way to truly know you’re getting quality eyewear is with the help of an expert optician — who starts with the lenses.

The Right Way to Find Glasses that Fit You

Prioritize Your Lenses

Prioritize Your Prescription

When shopping for eyewear, it’s common to want to browse frame styles first and see what looks best on you. However, rather than matching shape to face, you should actually begin with your lenses to select frames that are suited to your prescription and your unique vision. If you have any specific conditions, such as myopia (nearsightedness), astigmatism, or presbyopia (age-related farsightedness), it’s important to make sure your glasses fully support your eyes and give you optimal clarity.

Lenses That Fit Your Lifestyle

There are many other factors that affect how well your lenses serve you, all of which should be considered when choosing or customizing your lenses. Living an active lifestyle, playing contact sports, or having a job where you’re out in the elements are just some of the things that your optician should know about when you’re looking for a new pair of glasses. The more information they have, the more precisely they can fine-tune your eyewear to you. Some lenses and adjustments that can be made for lifestyle are:

  • Anti-scratch coating
  • Polarization
  • Antireflective treatments
  • Freeform digital progressive lenses
  • Prescription sunglasses
  • High-power lenses
  • Prism lenses

Make Sure Your Glasses are Tech Savvy

If you are one of the growing number of people who use technology on a daily basis for either work or leisure, it’s important to make sure your glasses are screen friendly. This means that your lenses should offer above average blue light protection, which helps reduce eye strain and its related symptoms, such as headaches and dizziness, in addition to helping you avoid dry eye.

The Right Experience and Expertise Matters

At Dietz-McLean Optical, we focus on our glasses as a whole, not just their individual parts, which helps us ensure your glasses work for you, not the other way around. We follow this intuitive guide to help you get everything you need and want out of your eyewear. We’ve been the best opticians in San Antonio for over 80 years, and we keep the focus on the fine details of your prescription and integrate them with our selection of eyewear. We also have our own lens finishing lab that lets us perfect them to your exact needs. Our experts know the little things make all the difference in improving someone’s quality of life, and we’re here to provide a standard of service that’s kept alive by our passion for our craft.

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